My little Christmas tree
Published by Mel on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 12:40 PMIn fact, I like it so much that one year later, I decided to blog about my tree.
I didn't blog about it earlier because I thought this is one of those things that would catch my fancy, but would be forgotten after something new comes along. But strangely enough, I really love my little tree.
The undecorated tree

Aren't they adorable? Each ornament is really tiny, as you can see from the picture below where I am holding a teeny weeny little snowman wearing a Santa cap:

You just have to hang the ornaments on the tree where the metal hooks are. You can hang them anywhere you wish, as long as there are hooks. Once every 4-5 months, I will take all the ornaments out and rearrange them, just for the heck of it. It's quite fun to decorate a Christmas tree, especially one so cute and tiny!

Hanging some ornaments

After you decorate the tree, you need to remember to put the star on top. C'mon, it's a Christmas tree! Of course it has to have a star! No Christmas tree is complete without the star!! I never did like people who substitute the star for an angel. Unless, of course, they have both the angel and the star. It's important to have the star, OKAY? That's what makes the Christmas tree a Christmas tree.

The all important STAR
Now with the star, the tree is finally a true and certified Christmass tree! You can put your tree anywhere, because it is so small. BUT preferably out of reach of toddlers because they might take out the ornaments and attempt to eat them. The toddler will possibly choke on the ornament and that would be a disaster. I mean, don't you think the tree would look incomplete with one ornament missing?
The Christmas tree
I have my Christmas tree on my computer monitor at work. Everytime I work, I can see my little tree and it brightens up my day. After all, who can be grumpy if it's Christmas everyday?

My computer monitor
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