Ignorance may be bliss, but ignorance of life is not
Published by Mel on Friday, July 27, 2007 at 10:13 AM
The sun was setting and the rays were particularly glaring. The men shielded their eyes, but continued walking. There was no need to slow down their pace. Although they had been walking all day with intermittant rest, they were not particularly tired. The last rest they had was three hours ago. The dying sun rested in the velvet sky. The men just continued walking, oblivious to the majestic view of the clear plains that had turned golden under the the glare of the red sun. Neither men noticed the beauty that surrounded them.
As the sun slowly vanished below the horizon, darkness settled in. Vision was cut by 80%, but the men continued along anyway. The stars shone brightly in the cloudless sky, like thousands of diamonds littered across the dark sky. The moon was full, and unhindered by clouds, shone like a pure and perfect pearl. But neither men noticed. Both were just intent on walking and walking, their steps showed no hesitation and their eyes never wandered from the ground. Their eyes only ever looked forward to the next step that their feet would take.
Neither men noticed how long the road was. They didn't need to. They already knew the road was long and straight anyway. Neither men gave much thought to what would be waiting for them at the end of the road. They were just intent on walking. There had been not much ponderings to the point of their journey, nor their destination. Occasionally these thoughts would flash across their minds, but as quickly as the thoughts entered, they were washed out by the thought of the next step their feet should take.
And so, they continued walking. They walked day and night, resting intermittantly, until when they finally reach the end of the road where they walked into the burning sun. There, engulfed by flames, they would stay until the end of eternity.
Labels: Articles, Philosophy
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