What to look for in a Spa Package...
Published by Mel on Thursday, March 15, 2007 at 11:05 AMNow, if this is the one and only time you are going for the spa, please get the full package. There is no sense in getting just a 30-minute massage. I don't think that is a going to be a very nice present for your loved one...

Next, you should go for a body scrub. It's pretty nice, they massage a scrub all over your body, then you go for a hot tub and after that your skin will glow! If you don't fancy a scrub, you can opt to head straight for the hot tub.
You will be presented with the same set of problems for the hot tub. Do you want herbal? Which kind? Do you want rose petals? Do you want aromatherapy? Which oils?

Anyway, after your hot tub, you will be all warm and ready for your massage. If you are in doubt as to which massage to choose, ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you want to be pampered? If so, choose Swedish or Aromatherapy massage. Swedish massage is very relaxing, and uses smooth, circular motions. Aromatherapy massage simply uses some essential oils on top of the massage oils. Some people like the smell, some don't. So you have a choice.
- Do you want some sort of a treatment with your massage but are afraid of pain? If so, choose hot-stone massage therapy or shiatsu. Hot-stones are nice and warm and loosens your tight muscles without causing too much pain. People who try shiatsu may first think it sounds painful, but it is actually quite pleasant. Your body will normally feel very nice, musclaes all loosened up and body balance improve with either one of these two therapies.
- Do you want to be tortured??? Oh you masochist you....Don't worry, most spas have just the thing for you! Go for either Thai massage or deep tissue massage. Mind you, the latter can cause you pain for the next 2 days, so be warned!
Since we were on our honeymoon, i chose aromatherapy massage to improve blood circulation and for relaxation. These massage treatments normally last 1 hour 15 minutes up to 1 hour 45 minutes. If you're getting less than that, please complain to the spa centre and tell them that everywhere else is offering 90minutes, they should at least comply with the standard! After that, please leave the place. You don't want to go for their deep tissue massage if they are pi$$ed off with you. You may end up sore for a whole week!
Now after you have gotten your massage, you can either go off to shower, or continue with:
- facial
- hair treatment
- foot reflexology
- all of the above
It's always a good idea to end with at least one of the above. That is because after your massage, you may be a little lethargic (if it was relaxing) or terribly sore (for the masochists), and want to linger a little longer to get your sense of balance back before you head off home. We opted for spa facial and ended with some foot reflexology. We also got some warm ginger/ginseng tea. Always remember this: You MUST have something warm to drink after your massage. It's good for your body system, since it helps with circulation. The facial or hair treatment should last about an hour, while the foot reflexology is normally 30-45 mins.
So now that you know what a spa package is like, the first thing that you should have noticed is how much time it all takes! So don't plan to have both spa and fishing in the same afternoon. It's not going to work. You need an entire morning or afternoon to enjoy it. I prefer afternoon, at least 1 hour after lunch. It leaves you feeling all nice, warm and pampered and sets the mood for a romantic dinner.

BTW.. you should know that your blog is very pro microsoft internet explorer.. I had to start IE to check your blog. But don't worry hor.. about 9/10 ppl use IE anyway :P.