VERY Bad news for this week

Dear Friends and family,
My spouse had a fever from Monday to Thursday. We went to the clinic on Monday and he was precribed the usual antibiotics. Unfortunately, the fever persisted so I took him to the clinic for a blood test on Thursday. His blood platlet was rather low, hence he was warded on Thursday evening.
I stayed with him until 11pm and went back to my in-laws house to rest since it is nearer to the hospital compared to my house. At 3.00am, I woke up with rashes all over my body. I had to go to the clinic (4th time this week, but the first three times were for my spouse) to get a diagnosis. I was allergic to something. Anyway I am currently on medication, but it was hell trying to sleep that night because my body was itchy like it was on fire.
I only slept at 5.00am and awoke at 8.00am to see my spouse in the hospital. His blood platlet fell again, and his fever is persisting. At approximately 3.00pm, my Dad contacted me on my handphone with more bad news. My grandad just died. He was sent for embalming that afternoon. There will be a service tomorrow at 8.00pm and his funeral at 10.00am on Sunday. I will be with my spouse until dinnertime tomorrow, and then I will rush off to pay my last respects to my grandad. After his funeral on Sunday, I will have to rush back to the hospital to keep a close watch on my spouse's condition.
It is now Friday at 10.45 pm. I have just gotten back from the hospital. My back is starting to itch again, and I fear my rashes will return with a vengeance tonight. I have slept for 3 hours in the last 36 hours. I may not get any sleep tonight either, if the rashes persist. I am tired due to lack of sleep, in grief for my grandad, worried sick over my spouse and itchy from my rashes.
It has been a very bad week. We were supposed to go to Cherating next week, and Pangkor the week after next. It was supposed to be a well-deserved holiday for the stress, hard work and long hours we were putting for the past few months. Now all we have is more stress and anxiety. But we will pull through. I must remain strong for my spouse and family. Somehow, God will give me the strength. For now is not the time to feel sorry for oneself or to grief. Now is the time to work and be of service to those in need. There will be time to lament and cry when all is well again.


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