This is really something that happened more than a year ago, but I thought I should finally blog it! Due to a combination of laziness and busy-ness, I never really got around to writing about my wedding. But over a year later, the joys of the day suddenly came back to me, and I decided to revisit all the photos taken on that day. Now only did I realise that in my haziness, i never sent any of the photos to my beloved friends :D
I never slept the night before I registered my marriage. It was really something to think about. One day I was single, and the next, no more...
Lucky for me, I had Marilyn, Shirley and Guoy who made sure I didn't put on my Nike shoes and do a "Runaway Bride" on YC. On the day of my registration, I had eyes of a PANDA. Nevertheless, I put on my best cheongsam (Chinese Dress) made of french lace and did my hair up using an Evita Peroni pin. Daddy was up by4am, and had showered by 5am. Breakfast was bought at 6am from the market. We had a light breakfast since I couldn't eat much due to nerves.
Anyway, we entered the office where the Commissioner of Marriage - or whatever his job title is- was waiting. He works very slowly and carefully...

We took our vows...(to be honest, i was quite nervous when taking the vows...hehehe)

I thought ladies always went first, but it seems, the man gets to sign the marriage certificate first :( MALE CHAUVINISM!!!

We are now officially husband and wife - that is, after the Commissioner signs the document.

So we all had to wait while the guy (the one with the shiny head) checked all the signatures and identity cards. Meanwhile, Shirley was falling asleep...HAHAHA

OK, now we're officially married. At least in the eyes of the law!

I was really happy to have my Kai Ma there with me. She really is very important in my life. She's always there for all the pinnacles of my achievements and joys, and very supportive when I am down. She's a beautiful woman and a wonderful person to have! I feel so blessed!

Me and my new family. Yes, I was moving in with them! OMG OMG. Actually today, we already have our own home. But when we just got marriedm, we had stayed with them for more than half a year!

My very supportive friends. For some reason, Marily and I are always seen in pink?

Yey, the big tree!!

Anyway, that's it for my registration. It wasn't too scary. We had breakfast in delifrance after that. Of course, I can't remember what I ate exactly. Maybe Marilyn would know? Did anyone take any pictures?